Many children do not want to hear the word “homework”. However, for some kids particularly those who suffer from anxiety disorder, they can get fear from it. This is due to the fact that assignments usually evoke the feeling of fear as it pushes children to learn. In fact in some of them, this anxiety is so much to a point where it makes them to freeze when they hear this word. The good news is that there are some good ways of online exam help that parents can use to minimize stress and relieve the anxiety that comes with doing assignment.
Find out if there is an underlying problem
There are children who may have the fear of doing assignments as a result of an underlying problem such as learning disabilities and ADHD. These conditions will cause the child to be afraid of tackling the questions as they will find it difficult to understand. It can e a good idea to speak the child’s instructor to find out if there are other issues at school that could be affecting the child such as bullying.
Create special space and time for homework
Children who get fear can be able to overcome it when they know what and when they should expect it. A good idea would be to set aside a specific time of the day for the completion of assignment-this will ensure consistency and routine and thus help to minimize stress. Ensure that there is a dedicated space at home to tackle the questions.
Provide support and encouragement
Ensure that you praise the child even when they accomplish some simple tasks. Ensure that you focus on the accomplishment of the child and the things in which he or she does well.
Start big projects early enough
When you are instructed to do a big project that is due in a few weeks, a good idea would be to begin immediately. When you leave it until the last minute, this will prove to be quite stressful. Ensure that you begin projects on the same day they are assigned. Work on it every day. Within no time, you will have the project completed.
Create a schedule for the homework
Your professor or teacher will give you an idea on the amount that you will be required to complete each week. Ensure that you have a schedule for completing the homework while considering all the classes. You can use a notebook or day planner to write down all the assignments as well as the time needed for each of them.